Lincoln County
County Administration
County Administrator - Carrie Kipfer
Lincoln County Courthouse
PO Box 249 ~ Wiscasset, Maine 04578
207-882-6311 (voice)
207-882-4320 (fax)
Email: ckipfer@lincounty.me
Maine state law allows Boards of County Commissioners to adopt what has become known as the statutory County Administrator Plan. The authorizing legislation may be found at 30A MRSA 82. The legislature has also seen fit to create the position of County Manager for certain counties as is also illustrated in that statute.
In addition, 30A MRSA 1301 et seq. provides the authority for the voters in a county to adopt a county charter for their county and two counties have done so thus far. The remaining counties operate under the general laws (found in 30A MRSA Part 1) relying on their Boards of Commissioners, their County Clerks and their other elected and appointed Department Heads to handle the duties of their office(s). Lincoln County Department operations are detailed on this Website and most are typical of those found in every Maine County.
The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners has adopted the statutory County Administrator Plan and operates under the general laws. The duties of the Administrator are detailed both in the authorizing legislation and in various Policies adopted by the Board of Commissioners. In particular, in Lincoln County, the Administrator also serves as the Personnel Manager, Safety Officer and Purchasing Agent pursuant to the provisions of the Personnel Policy, the Safety Policy and the Purchasing Policy.
The Administrator works for the Board of Commissioners and with the Department Heads to identify, prevent and resolve problems. He/she will also perform a variety of other tasks as may be assigned by the Board of Commissioners.